<CHUBU area>

1.SHIZUOKA pref.

 Shizuoka pref. has Mt. Fuji.

It is the highest mountain in Japan.

The shape is beautiful.

If we dream of Mt.Fuji on New year's day, it means you might be happy.

And Shizuoka pref.has a nice coast line, a lot of nice beaches and lagoon.

One of most famous beach is in OMAEZAKI city.

The windsurfing world competition used to hold there.

It takes 2hours from Chubu international airport by car.

A lot of Japanese windsurfers come to this place.

All beaches have different condition.
There are rocks, reefs , sand beaches, face to south, face to south east ,face to east, big wave, flat water , port tuck , starboard tuck ....................

You can choose some beaches depends on a condition.

There are many surf shops , and several windsurfing shops.

But they usually don't have rental gears.

You should ask somebody to arrange gears before you come here.

There are some good restaurants .

You can eat a fresh sea food.

For example, sushi, templa, sashimi and so on.

Shizuoka pref. has a lot of tea field.

You can drink tasty japanese tea.

In spring you can drink the first tea of the season.

There are some inexpensive inns with hot spring.

After windsurfing you can be relax.

The best season for windsurfing is winter.

The temperature is about 6 - 13 celsius.

You should wear a semi dry suit.

I think November and December are the best season.

Because the seawater temperature is not so cold.

At that time there sometimes is a nice wave and strong wind on starboard tuck .

Don't foget IZU.

It has a lot of hot spring and beautiful nature.

You can enjoy surfing, windsurfing, too.

The wind usually blow from port tuck in the morning there.

Please come and enjoy windsurfing in Japan.

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